Case Study

Testing metals to ISO and ASTM standards

Material Testing
Vector U200

The Challenge

When testing metals to ASTM and ISO standards, it may be necessary to test specimens of different sizes, geometries and gauge lengths. To remain competitive and efficient, a high throughput needs to be maintained by minimising equipment setup for each specimen geometry.


Various national and international standards govern the testing of metals. These standards ensure consistency and comparability of results obtained from material tests carried out worldwide using different equipment. They standardise and reproduce test methods for the reliable evaluation of mechanical properties. This consistency is critical for quality assurance, research and development, material selection and safety. Testing to these standards impacts different industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction and medical.

ASTM1 and ISO2 standards for materials tests on metals:

  • ASTM E8 and E8M Standard Test Method for Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials
  • ISO 6892-1 Tensile Test on Metals at Ambient Temperature
  • ASTM E21 Elevated Temperature Tension Test on Metals
  • ISO 6892-2 Tensile Test on Metals – Test Method at Elevated Temperature

The Solution

Imetrum’s uniaxial extensometer, Vector U200, can test multiple specimen geometries and gauge lengths from 25 to 180 mm. It locks onto and tracks several marking types, meaning a wide range of specimens can be tested. The automated control and simple marking solution, combined with quick setup and simple training requirements, means setting up each test only takes a few seconds.

The accuracy of Vector’s measurement technique and operation efficiency improves test reliability to meet the standards required for the tensile testing of metals. In addition, Vector meets both Class B-1 for the ASTM standard B83, for the accuracy of controlled displacements to a simulated specimen, and ISO 9513 Class 0.5 for the static calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing for all supported gauge lengths.

The Results

A single Vector replaces the need for a suite of clip-on extensometers, and this can significantly reduce inventory costs, equipment setup time and ongoing calibration costs. The automated operation saves time and increases throughput. Tests can also be tested to failure safely as the operator is not required to interact with the specimen or extensometer during the test. Vector will allow you to keep up with your testing requirements and reduce setup changes when alternating between different specimens, grips, or test types.


Vector Extensometer


Vector meets or exceeds ISO and ASTM standards


Reduce the cost of ownership with Vector.

non0contact extensometer

Vector allows operators to use the same extensometer for a wide variety of different specimens and test types.

Vector Extensometer

For more information on the Vector range, see the product page below.